Weekly menus planned with what's on sale in Arizona grocery stores. Target price per week is $75 to $80 per week and portions in the menus will feed a family of four to six, depending on appetites. So this is for the food buyer or preparer of the family. To help them plan to stay within a budget or give them the little extra ideas of what they need to come up with breakfast, lunch and dinner each day of each week.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Menu with what's on sale for the week of Feb. 24-Mar. 2
1-Eggs, bacon, hash browns, orange juice. Save some bacon for the Pasta Primavera
3-Yogurt, toast
4-Oatmeal, orange juice
5-Yogurt, toast
6-Oatmeal, orange juice
7-Yogurt, toast
1-Fruit and cottage cheese, pudding cup
2-PB&J sandwich, orange
3-Tuna sandwich, apple, pudding cup
4-PB&J sandwich, carrots, strawberries
5-Bologna sandwich, orange
6-PB&J sandwich, apple
7-Hot dog, orange
1-Chicken Caesar Salad sandwich. So I'm thinking...you could halve a french bread loaf, put grilled or fried chicken breasts or strips of chicken on the bread, some caesar dressing and shreds or leaves of iceberg on top, put the other bread half on top and then slice into sandwiches. And I saw this on a blog or site somewhere but now I can't remember where.
2-Cheddar corn chowder (Jane Maynard version), french bread. See http://thisweekfordinner.com/2010/02/24/corn-chowder/ I didn't allow for the celery in the grocery budget
3-Beef Pot Roast, carrots, Rice A Roni
4-Pork chops, baked potato with sour cream, green beans (canned)
5-Pasta Primavera, salad. Sautee diced bacon first and let cook, then add some diced onion, chopped fresh asparagus, mushrooms, add cooked pasta and cream, and herbs and powdered garlic to taste, cook until thickened slightly.
7-Ground beef/cheese quesadillas
Grocery List:
Boneless skinless chicken breast, $1.67 lb, buy 3 lbs. at $5.01
Skippy peanut butter, 10/$10, buy 1
Albertsons concord grape jelly, 10/$10, buy 1
Sunny D orange drink, 10/$10, buy 2
Albertson eggs, 10/$10, buy 1
Albertsons butter, 8 oz., 10/$10, buy 1
TJ Farms hash browns, 10/$10, buy 1
Bar S bologna, 10/$10
French bread, 10/$10, buy 2
Calidad tortillas, 10/$10, buy 1
Iceberg lettuce, 2/$1, buy 1
Bashas milk, .99 for 1/2 gallon, first 2, buy 2
Farmland pork chops, .99 lb., packages are aproximately $4
5# bag russet potatoes, .79
Food Club cheese, 3/$5, buy 3
Tyson bacon, 2.88
Hunt's snack pack pudding cups, .99, buy 2
Fresh & Easy
Fresh & Easy ground beef, $1.49 lb., with purchase of 2 lbs. or more, $2.98
NOTE: If you don't want to go to Fresh and Easy, then get a lb. of chuck roast at Safeway ground into hamburger
Fry's canned vegetables, 2/$1, buy 2 corn and 1 green bean, $1.50
Rice A Roni, $1
Kroger cottage cheese, $1
Kroger sour cream, $1
Kroger yogurt, 3/$1, buy 12 at $4.00
Bar S jumbo meat franks, 10/$10
mushrooms, $1
Kroger mini peeled carrots, $1
Fry's canned fruit, 4/$5, buy 2 cans
Mission flour tortillas, $1
chicken of the Sea light tuna, 2/$1, buy 1 at .50
Kroger Value bread, .88, buy 4
Heavy cream or half and half, I allowed for $4.00 worth. You'll need it for the chowder and the primavera, however you could supplement some in the chowder with a little whole milk
Asparagus, $1.00 lb.
Fry's hot dog buns, allowed for $1.50
2 cans chicken broth, allowed for .99 each, buy 2
Rancher's Reserve 7-bone chuck pot roast, $1.47 lb, buy 3 lbs. at $4.41
Strawberries, 16 oz., $1.88
Large navel oranges, .19 lb., they are big, aproximately a little under a lb. each. 12 oranges at $2.28
large roma tomatoes, .67 lb.
yellow onions, .39 lb., buy a lb. worth
Green onions, radishes, .39 each, buy one of each
Braeburn organic apples, .67 lbs. at $3.35
Oatmeal, .79 lb., buy 2 lbs. at $1.58
Items not on the list:
spices, bay leaves
Other great deals:
Chicken of the sea salmon, 10/$10-albertsons
chicken parmesan sausage, $2.99 lb.-sprouts NOTE: put this in the primavera if you want to spend an additional $2.99
Green cabbage .39 lb.-Sprouts
Fry's canned beans, 2/$1-Fry's
Fry's canned tomatoes, 2/$1-Fry's
Kellogg's cereal, 4/$10, get 2 free gallons of Fry's milk-Fry's
Milk, $2.19 gallon-Fry's
Friday, February 26, 2010
Week 8
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Menu with what's on sale the week of Feb. 17- Feb. 23
Maybe my thoughts will come back to me before I'm through with this post. Maybe not.
Now I remember. There are some great deals and stock up your pantry prices to be had this week. Definitely get out and do some stock up shopping this week. You can totally spend less than the $75 posted on this post if you don't get the snack items this week. S&W beans at Bashas. May I just say FREE!?! Even if you don't have the coupon that was in last week's coupon inserts 50 cents is a great buy for these. Canned beans are a great pantry item to have if your family will eat beans. And if they say they don't like beans, try black beans. My family didn't think that they liked beans until they tried black beans. Also the broccoli at Albertson's this week. It is so stinkin cheap I am going to get some, blanch it and freeze it.
2-Oatmeal, muffins
3-Oatmeal, cranberry juice cocktail
4-Egg biscuits
5-Oatmeal, yogurt
6-Oatmeal, donuts
7-French toast
1-Tuna sandwich, orange, pudding cup
2-PB&J sandwich, apple
3-Tuna sandwich, string cheese
4-PB&J sandwich, apple, popcorn
5-Tuna sandwich, popcorn, string cheese
6-Chef Boy ardee pasta, string cheese, brownie
7-Bagel/cream cheese, orange
1-Butternut squash soup, crusty bread ( I don't have a recipe for butternut squash soup. I allowed some vegetable broth to be the base with the the squash and some onion to be cooked with it. If it were me, I would bake the squash in the oven, then scoop out the pulp and whir in the blender with the veg. broth, and add some diced sauteed onion. Use water or cream to thin it out. Salt and pepper or ginger to taste. Or google Butternut squash soup to get a good recipe)
2-Spaghetti Alfredo, steamed asparagus.
3-Beef teriyaki kabobs, steamed broccoli.
4-Chicken Caesar Salad, hummus and crackers. Add crackers to the shopping list if you didn't stock up during Super Bowl week. (make the hummus out of the can of garbanzos(chickpeas)
5-Sausage gravy over biscuits, salad
6-Green Chicken and cheese Enchiladas, black bean and corn salad (I use a can of drained corn, and can of drained and rinsed black bean, some sweet onion or shallot diced, some sugar, maybe 1 T. and some basalmic vinegar. But, if I didn't have basalmic, I would use rice vinegar or white or cider vinegar.)
7-Leftovers, Coke or Sprite
Desserts and snacks
Grocery List:
Broccoli, .68 lb., buy 2 lbs.
London Broil, $1.88 lb., buy 2 lbs.
Albertsons cream cheese, 2$3, buy 1
Albertsons green enchilada sauce, .79, buy 2
Stokeley's vegetables, 2/$1, buy 1 corn
S&W beans, 2/$1, buy 1 black, 1 garbanzo (for the hummus)
Bashas large eggs, $1.29
Food Club cheese, $2.47
Food Club string cheese, $2.47
Imperial spread, .88
Food Club pudding snacks, .88
Food Club microwave popcorn, 2/$3, buy 1
Crusty bread, $1.19
Bashas milk, $2.19, buy 2
Navel oranges, .99, buy 2 lbs.
Fresh & Easy
Fresh & Easy bagels, $1.99
Fresh Roma tomatoes, .77 lb.
Chicken of the Sea chunk light tuna, 2/.88, buy 3
Ocean Spray cranberry juice cocktail, $1.98
Van de Camps donuts, 2/$3, buy 1
Yoplait yogurt, 20/$10
Kroger Value bread, .88, buy 4
Boneless skinless chicken breast, $1.67, buy 3 lbs.
Kroger Value Peanut butter, $1.47
Flour tortillas, I've allowed for $2.99
Vegetable broth, I've allowed for .99, buy 2 cans
Onion, I've allowed for .50, buy 1 (used half for the bean/corn salad, half for the butternut soup)
Kroger spaghetti, .88
Buy 10 deal
1-Ragu alfredo pasta sauce, $1.28
2-Kroger salad dressing, $1.28
3-Chef Boy ardee pasta, .67
4-Chef Boy ardee pasta, .67
5-Banquet brown and serve sausage, .89
6-Betty Crocker muffin mix, $1.69
7-Betty Crocker brownie mix, $1.69
8-coke or Sprite, .89
9-Pillsbury Grands!, .89
10-Pillsbury Grands!, .89
Asparagus, .97 lb.
Braeburn or Fuji apples, .88 lb., buy 3 lbs.
Squash, butternut, .88 lb., buy 3 lbs. That may not be realistic, I don't know.
Oats, 2 lbs./$1, buy 4 lbs. at $2. You may need to buy more for your family's needs.
Romaine, .88
Some other great deals:
If you have a Smart & Final close by and have a card
First Street long grain rice, 10 lbs., $3.99
Fresh russet potatoes, 10 lbs., $1.49
Mission corn tortillas, 72 count, $1.79
Items not on the grocery list:
syrup or powdered sugar for the french toast
fresh or powdered ginger
basalmic vinegar
soy sauce
brown sugar
parmesan for the caesar salad
croutons for the caesar salad
crackers for the hummus
lemon juice for the hummus
Friday, February 19, 2010
Week 7
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Beans, beans the musical fruit
Monday, February 15, 2010
Menu with what's on sale Feb. 10-Feb. 16
Here it is:
aproximately $78.88 with the chicken added in. Oooops, sorry.
1-Yogurt, toast, cranberry juice
2-Cold cereal, milk
3-Egg biscuit with sausage links
4-chocolate chip pancakes
5-Cold cereal, milk
6-Biscuits and sausage gravy
7-Eggs, toast or Egg-In-The-Hole
1-PB&J sandwich, grapes, cookie
2-Tuna sandwich, orange
3-PB&J sandwich, apple
4-Tuna sandwich, pear
5-PB&J sandwich, apple, cookie
6-Chef Boy Ar Dee pasta, carrot sticks, orange
7-Mac & Cheese, orange
1-Mac & Cheese, green beans
2-BBQ Pork ribs, applesauce, frozen vegetables of choice, coke
3-Taco soup with cheese and sour cream as toppers
4-chicken Broccoli and rice casserole, salad
5-Cheese Quesadillas
7-Spaghetti Alfredo, asparagus
Green Giant vegetables, 2/$1, buy 1 corn and 1 green bean
Seedless grapes, .88 lb., buy 2 lbs. at $1.76
Yoplait yogurt, 20/$10, buy 4 at $2.00
Fresh carrots, 2 lbs., 10/$10, buy 1 at $1.00
Pork country style ribs, .89 lb., buy 4 lbs. at $3.56
Gold Medal Flour, $1.99
Mott's applesauce, 2/$3, buy 1
Bashas sour cream, $1.19
Sargento shredded cheese, $1.99, buy 2
Food Club tomatoes, .79, buy 2
Eggs, $1.39, buy 2 dozen
Fry's milk, $1.88, buy 2 at $3.76
Dole Premium Classic salad, $1
Super lean ground beef, $1.88 in 2 lb. chub, $3.76
Rice, allow for $2.99
Cream of mushroom soup, I've allowed for $1.75
Cranberry juice, $1.98
Kroger Value cereals, allowed for $1.50, buy 2
Fry's spaghetti, .88
Kroger Value tomato sauce, .27, buy 2
Kroger Value frozen vegetables, $1.79
Kroger Value bread, .88, buy 4
Kroger Value peanut butter, $1.47
Flour tortillas, I've allowed for $2.99
Black beans, I've allowed for $1.50
Taco seasoning, I've allowed for $1.00
Buy 10 deal
1-Kraft mac & cheese 5 pack, $2.45
2-Pillsbury Grands! biscuits, .89
3-Pillsbury Grands! biscuits, .89
4-Banquet Brown n serve sausages, .89
5-Banquet Brown n serve sausages, .89
6-Coke, .89
7-Chef Boy R Dee Ravioli, .67
8-Chef Boy R Dee Ravioli, .67
9-Kraft BBQ sauce, .69
10-Ragu Alfredo sauce, $1.28
EDIT: I forgot to add chicken. would be nice since I put down chicken and rice and broccoli casserole
Safeway split chicken breasts, .99 lb., buy 3 lbs., less if it's packaged in smaller packages
Sat., Sun., Mon., Tues. only, navel oranges 3 lbs/$1, buy 9 lbs. for $3.00
Tender green asparagus, .99 lb.
chicken of the sea chunk light tuna, 2/.88, buy 2
Betty Crocker cake mix or traditional brownie mix, .69
Nestle baking morsels, $1.99
Betty Crocker cookie pouches, .99
Broccoli, .77 lb.
Braeburn apples, .77 lb., buy 2 lbs. at $1.54
d'Anjou pears, .77 lb., buy 2 lbs. at $1.54
Items not on list
leavening, ie., baking powder
Other great buys
5 lb. bag russet potatoes, $1.49-Safeway
Split chicken breasts, .99 lb.-Safeway
Bumble Bee chunk light tuna, 2/$1-albertson's
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Homemade Oreos

Homemade Oreos
from the blog My Chocolate Garden
2 Boxes Devil's Food or Chocolate cake mix
4 eggs, use large or extra large works best (note: the Devil's food cake mix tends to be more dry than the chocolate does)
1 C. oil
Combine thoroughly. Roll into 1 inch balls. Place on lightly greased cookie sheet. Bake at 340 degrees F for 8 minutes. Do not over cook. The cookies will not look done. Allow them to cool on a wired rack.
6 oz. cream cheese, softened
1/2 C. butter, softened
2 tsp. vanilla
4 1/2 C. powdered sugar
Caramel Drizzled Brownie hearts
Caramel Drizzled Brownie Hearts
Betty Crocker
1 box (1 lb. 6.5 oz) Betty Crocker Original supreme brownie mix
Water, vegetable oil and eggs called for on brownie mix box
1 bag (14 oz.) caramels, unwrapped
3 tablespoons whipping cream
1/2 C. chopped pecans
Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Line bottom and sides of 13x9 inch pan with foil. I used parchment paper. Grease bottom only of foil with shortening or cooking spray. Make brownie mix as directed on box, using pouch of chocolate syrup, water, oil and eggs. Bake as directed for 13x9 inch pan. Cool completely, about 1 hour.
Using foil to lift, remove brownie from pan. Remove foil. With deep 3 inch hear shaped cookie cutter, cut 12 brownies.
In medium microwavable bow., microwave caramels and whipping cream uncovered on High 1-3 minutes, stirring every minute, until caramels are melted.
Arrange brownie on serving plate. Drizzle caramel mixture over brownies. Sprinkle with pecans.
Like I said, I just frost them per normal. They turn out cute as well.
Chocolate Truffles

from the Barefoot Contessa
1/2 lb. good bittersweet chocolate (recommended, Lindt)
1/2 lb. good semisweet chocolate (recommended, Ghiradelli
NOTE: I use Hershey bars to equal 1 lb. Last year I used the free Lindt chocolate bars I got at Christmas time. I use 3 parts milk chocolate and 1 part semisweet and I like the way it turns out. Not sure how many Hershey bars that would be or the size. I would probably buy 2 half lb. milk chocolate bars and one small dark bar and take out some of the milk choclate to equal a pound of chocolate.
2 T. orange flavored liqueur, optional. NOTE: I never use this
1 T. prepared coffee. NOTE: I never use this
1/2 teaspoon good vanilla extract. NOTE: I use the cheap kind, it's fine
Confectioner's sugar
cocoa powder
Chop the chocolate finely with a sharp knife. Place them in a heat proof mixing bowl.
Heat the cream in a small saucepan until it just boils. Turn off the heat and allow the cream to sit for 20 seconds. Pour the cream through a fine-meshed sieve into the bowl with chocolate. Whatever, NOTE AGAIN: I never do that step. With a wire whisk, slowly stir the cream and chocolates together until the chocolate is completely melted. Whisk in the orange flavored liqueur, if using, coffee, and vanilla. Set aside at room temperature for 1 hour. NOTE: Put it in the fridge or you'll be waiting until Dec. for it to firm up.
With 2 teaspoons, spoon round balls of the chocolate mixture onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or waxed paper. NOTE: Use your hands, it will be messy but you can wash them later. I use gloves like restaurant workers use when I do this. Roll each ball of chocolate in your hands to roughly make it round. Roll in confectioner's sugar, cocoa powder, or both. These will keep refrigerated for weeks, but serve them at room temperature.
NOTE: The kind rolled in cocoa powder will be bitter, so you may opt for the powdered sugar. My older kids happen to like the cocoa powder kind. The powdered sugar will absorb into the truffle and look kind of wet. I just re coat it before giving it away. Nuts or chocolate jimmies are also good coatings. These really are yummy.
Valentines day
For dinner I may make a spinach/feta stuffed flank steak because we all love it. But a heart shaped pizza would be wonderful. Cheesecake pie with strawberry freezer jam for dessert is always a must have on Valentine's day.
And if I remember, I will draw with lipstick on the bathroom mirrors my sentiments of love and a few kissy lips and hearts.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Week 6
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Week 5-Part 2
Menu for the week with what' on sale for Feb. 3-Feb. 9
Random thought....If you save a mere $10/month buying sale priced items matched up with a coupon, that's $120/yr. saved. But, you can do better than that. If you save $300/month with coupons and sales that's $3,600/yr. Multiply that by five yrs. and that's $18,000. Eighteen Thouuuuuuusaaaaaaaand dollars! That's a car or several nice trips or bills paid or a college fund or two mission funds or 900 piano lessons. So you may never look at a coupon again and think, it's just a .50 coupon. Go to http://www.pinchingyourpennies/ and spend a few minutes matching up coupons to the sale items. You'll be happy you did.
NOTE: also, http://www.couponsense.com/ and http://www.hip2save.com/
$79.66 a little higher than I wanted it to be but I had to work around the Fry's 10 deal
1-Breakfast tacos. Egg, cheese, sausage, tortilla
2-Cold cereal, milk, banana
3-French toast. Do something wacky and 'fry' it in the waffle iron for a grid effect
4-Cold cereal, milk, apple juice
5-Cold cereal or eggs and toast
6-Cold cereal, milk
7-Eggs, toast
1-PB&J sandwich, goldfish crackers, grapes
2-Pork sandwich, apple
3-PB&J sandwich, orange
4-Pork sandwich, cookie
5-PB&J sandwich, cookie, if there are enough eggs left, hard boiled or deviled egg
6-Hot dog
7-Ramen noodles
1-Pork loin, baked potato, green salad w/ dressing
2-Pizza, green salad, Pepsi
3-Teriyaki beef kabobs, grilled or roasted asparagus, green salad w/ dressing
4-Canned chili, cheese toast using hamburger buns
5-Macaroni and cheese, steamed broccoli
6-Fish tacos using fish filets or fish sticks
7-Spaghetti, sauce, garlic toast, green salad if any lettuce left
Cheesecake pie, see recipe at left side
Grocery list:
Roma tomatoes, 2 lbs./$1, buy 2 lbs.
Boneless top sirloin, $1.89 lb., buy 2 lbs. at $3.78
Mission flour tortillas, 2/$3, buy 2
Food Club butter, $1.99
Shamrock Farms sour cream, 2/$3, buy 1
Russet Baking potatoes, .49 lb., buy 6 lbs., or $2.94
Bashas milk, $2.19 gal., buy 2, $4.38
Ramen noodles, .25, buy 2 at .50
Fresh & Easy
Asparagus, .99
Bananas, .19 each, buy 4 at .76
Pantry Select hot dog buns, .88
Pantry Select hamburger buns, .88
Farmers Gem large eggs, 18 ct., $1.57, buy 2
Pork loin, $1.77, aprox. $8
Navel oranges, 3lbs./.99, buy 3 lbs.
Bar S Jumbo meat franks, .67
Wholly guacamole salsa, $1
Farmer John pork links, 10/$10, buy 1
Kroger Value, peanut butter, $1.47
Kroger Value bread, .88, buy 4
Kroger Value cereal, I've allowed for $1.50 each, buy 2
Fry's spaghetti, .88
Kroger Value sauce, $1.15
Grahm crackers, I've allowed for $2
Iceberg lettuce, $1
Buy 10, save $5
1-Mac & cheese, .49
2-Mac & cheese, .49
3-Hormel chili, .79
4-Hormel chili, .79
5-Hormel chili, .79
6-Pepsi, .79
7-Kraft cheese, $1.49
8-Kraft cheese, $1.49
9-Tombstone Pizza, $1.99
10-Tombstone Pizza, $1.99
1-Goldfish crackers, .88
2-Goldfish crackers, .88
3-Goldfish crackers, .88
4-Mama Bella garlic bread, $1.99
5-Mott's apple juice, $1.49
6-Krusteaz cookie mix, $1.49
7-Kraft Salad dressing, $1.49
8-Van de Kamp's fish sticks or filets, $2.99
9-Philadelphia cream cheese, .99
10-Philadelphia cream cheese, .99
Grapes, .88 lb.
Pinova apples, .77 lb., buy 3 lbs. at $2.31
Broccoli, .88
Items not on the grocery list:
syrup or powdered sugar for the french toast
soy sauce
spices, herbs
brown sugar
Other great deals this week:
Ribeye, loin, NY steak in a bag, $3.99 lb.-Safeway
Hass avacados, 3/$1-Bashas
Pork spareribs, .99 lb.-Bashas
Food club dip, 2/$3-Bashas
French stick bread, $1.49-Bashas
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Week 5
LDS definition
Seminary: A before school religious study for teens ages 14-18 yrs., High Schoolers. Usually is 45 minutes long and held in an LDS building. They have teachers, a principal, everything, made up of people who volunteer their time to do so.
Monday, February 1, 2010
French bread
French Bread
Laura P.
2 1/2 C. warm water
2 T. yeast
2 teaspoons sugar
soften in Bosch on 1 for 2 minutes
add 1 T. salt
1 T. crisco
6-7 C. flour
Put on level 2 and knead and set timer. this dough will be stiffer than your regular wheat bread recipe
After it urns off, let rest 10 min. Place in greased bowl and rise til doubled. Punch down. Form into 2 logs, slice 3 slashes across tops of loaves with a very sharp knife. Let rise til doubled.
Bake at 425 about 15 minutes or until lightly browned on top.
I slice it when warm, add butter and garlic salt and put back in the oven for 5 minutes.
Cheesy Chicken and Salsa Skillet
Cheesy Chicken and Salsa Skillet
Margie M.
2 C. multi-grain penne pasta, uncooked
1 lb. boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut into bite sized pieces
1-1/4 C. chunky salsa
1 C. frozen corn, thawed or canned corn
1 large green bell pepper, cut into thin short strips
2 C. of shredded four cheese Mexican blend cheese
Cook pasta as directed on package. Meanwhile, heat up a skillet with a little olive oil in it. Or use PAM. Add chicken; cook and stir 2 minutes. Add in salsa, peppers and corn. Bring to boil, then reduce heat to med.-low and cook for 10 minutes or until chicken is done, stirring occassionally.
Drain pasta when done. Add to skillet and stir gently. Top with cheese and remove from heat. Cover and allow to sit one minute until cheese is melted.
Four servings, 2 c. each